Sunday, September 21, 2014

Welcoming Inspiration

As a writer, I know that one of the things that I'm always searching for is inspiration for my next story. Whether that comes in the form of a prompt, a picture, or something so simple as a word or a scent. there is inspiration everywhere, you just have to know how to look for it!

On this blog, I hope to achieve two things. The first is to write down my ideas and inspiration for stories so that I can keep track of them and maybe share the process with my readers. The second is to show you how to amass ideas, find inspiration, and make use of them for your own creative endeavors.

A note regarding the use of this blog: I will be posting my own ideas and prompts on this blog. You may use them for your own stories (including commercial works) with the understanding that you are not the sole owner. Other people are also free to use these ideas, and I will use them myself. My personal belief is that an idea is good for more than one round of storytelling. Two people using the same prompt will not come up with the same story, and I think that far more beautiful things can be created by sharing ideas and inspiration than by hoarding ideas and picking fights about whose idea it was in the first place.

Thanks for reading and welcome to my inspiration blog!

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